This album is pretty scary. It's even scarier than the following true ghost story:
In my local pub here in Kuala Lumpur lies the story of OLD BEER BEARD. One day in 1939, the landlord served OLD BEER BEARD his favourite drop of ale. I say favourite drop as it came served from a pipette into a shot glass. OLD BEER BEARD would rest the shot glass on his 7 meter long beard on the bar.
Next thing that happened: KNOCK KNOCK! --- "Who's there?" wailed OLD BEER BEARD and in came a damsel in distress wearing red stockings, red heels and a red balaclava. "War is breaking out! The war has started!" she cried. "Pipe down ya jam tart!" said OLD BEER BEARD." The landlord of the pub started ringing the bell, not for last orders but because the war was breaking out.
The damsel in distress showed some of her red stockings and OLD BEER BEARD had a heart attack. He rolled around on the floor supping his drink still asking the punters to leave him alone saying "Ain't no thing but a chicken wing! "Ain't no thing but a chicken wing!"
Nowadays, whenever a hot mama walks in the bar wearing a red balaclava, the bell rings ding-a-ling. Sorry to shit you up.
This debut album from Gazelle Twin really is great.
GO HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=LrxUxLxCvvI
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