Tuesday, December 20, 2011

top records of 2011 - 15. Moon Duo - Mazes


This is something very special indeed. What?

Try squiggly spaced out guitar jams that will put you in a trance. There's a load of feedback and catchy, choppy riffs a-plenty and the duo of Sanae Yamada and Ripley Johnson of Wooden Shjips really collaborate well with such tight understanding. This is dense stuff, yet it's all about soaring into the sky and pouring out spacedust.

There's plenty of telecaster, a little eerie organ thrown in for good measure and some dauntless vocals on show here and it's all thrown into the fuel tank and ignited to explosive and impressive effect.

GO HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvYUUes4O1Q

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