This is the biggest grower of 2011. The first time I heard it, I was a little underwhelmed at first. One of those trendy music websites called this a sprawling landscape compared to the champagne immediacy of 2008's "In Ghost Colours" - thank god Australians spell that word with a "u" - and they got it bang on correct.
Sure, opener "Need you Now" is pretty instantaneous but many of the tracks take a while to show their hooks; this album is pretty refrained. Here, we're not square on with the waterfall; we're looking at it from some distance. Again, yeah there are some explosive moments of beauty but as The Onion AV Club journalist said, here "Cut Copy often lets the arrangements ride." Bang on.
And so finally, it grew on me and now it just sounds huge like a skyscraper. It's retro-future. Ouch. Apologies. It's champagne-popping. What a howler of a description. Luckily, this album ain't a howler, definitely not, as it gets me howling in the shower.
GO HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=tb1o42RdVzA
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