I was walking to the immigration office in the grey, humid city and it was stiflingly humid and I was in a hurry and I hadn't slept very well the night before. I was pumped on coffee and I had to go and upset my stomach by eating a big Mac because I was in a hurry. I felt sick and I barely had any money in my pocket. I had to comprehend the idea of waiting in line for two hours at immigration. It really was a kind of fuck my life moment.
Nothing seemed to matter though - not that anything matters anyway - as this record came through my tinny headphones. Even through the loud, sweaty, constructive city, the melodies of these boys reigned over me as I burst out into song, becoming the seventh fleet fox in a golden instant.
This brand of Americana is so in love with everything that it brushes aside all troubles. It follows on from their self-titles debut a years ago and expands everything into an all-out, full-on masterclass of baroque folk. The craft and fun and utter melody that is on show here makes this triumph over coffee any day.
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