Monday, November 11, 2019

Albums of the Decade - 60. Cut Copy - Zonoscope (2011)

60. CUT COPY - ZONOSCOPE (2011) 

Top of the decade in Taipei - felt liberated - this was my soundtrack. Pitchfork described it as a landscape of a record - and they weren't wrong, especially with all the percussion on here - it's an urbanity of session musicians and synths. Their album before this, the magnificent In Ghost Colours came in at #15 on Spaghetti Blogonese - a great achievement for a stellar offering.

They sound a lot like New Order actually and I think they should sing this poem I wrote:

This was just an experiment in the kitchen going wrong
I am not gonna go and buy a new oven glove
I just got some pizza out the oven 
Not with my bare hands
I took it with a towel
And it was okay anyway

I know that I can't sing now
I know my rhythm's pretty good
I thought I'd sing to you
I'm shit at typing - you know I am - would?!?
I don't know why my grammar's bad
I'm a native English speaker
Gonna just rhyme with you anyway
Gonna try and rhyme something with speaker - "beaker"
I got a beaker full of tea
Gonna go and drink it now
You're a fucking cousin
That's the way i'm proud now - uh!

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