Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Albums of the Decade - 59. Dirty Projectors - Swing Lo Magellan (2012)


The bend he puts on the guitar. The off-kilter vigour and experimentation - yet still falling on the right cylinder of accessibility - David Longstreth and his amazingly orchestrated backing singers put out their best album here - as it jets into twee territory and all the better for it.

When the highlight "Impregenable Question" was first heard by moi - the hopeless romantic I was back then - I wanted the song to be heard, received and shared - but the lady in question just batted it away and gave me a bottle of Heineken - and though nothing surfaced between us - the picnic that we had suffuses itself on that track and remains etched in my memory.

"Just From Chevron" has a punch-like imapact, whacking me in the gut with it's appetite for wit, and "About To Die" has a penchant for hedonism - which  bangles along a great trajectory. Mega fan all around then - an understated career highlight from the dirties. <3 p="">

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