There's a track on this old chestnut called "Stay Lit" and it bounds along with a choppy rhythm but still retains its buoyancy. It sums up an aesthetic / concept of not swaying to the pressure of the mainstream and generally keeping true to yourself; no matter how much they are trying to dictate you. The old ravey vibe which resonated with acts like Crystal Castles and Fuck Buttons has long gone now in the modern precept - but I can feel a load of cravings for that to change ahead in the new decade from 2020, which feels weird to type that number.
As blogs and sites abound rein in Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West and Frank Ocean into the top end of the discussion, authentic albums of the decade will appear in various other places - but at the time of writing, only Gorilla VS Bear bears any semblance of what Spaghetti Blogonese is trying to achieve. Nothing against those three artists, but when you think back to Radiohead and Daft Punk - or even compare them to Killer Mike or Shabazz Palaces - there is no contest for vitality or quality, regardless of genre.
Holy Fuck, with the right amount of hype could've born the torch for electronica over the last 10 years - but the powers that be in places like pitchfork are now the taste-makers, the Kanye worshippers, the zeitgeist zippers - when you previously zigzagged away from it, now it's just one big pressed arrow - with the illusion of choice that is Spotiify. Where there were other choices amongst publications - Dusted Magazine, Stylus (now gone) and Tinymixtapes (thank fuck for this place) - that deviated from what EVERYONE was saying, now it's harder to find than a needle in a raygun.
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