Sunday, December 18, 2016

Albums of 2016 - 44. BEAK> - COUPLE IN A HOLE (OST)


A British film soundtrack. Think sparse synths. Motorik drums. Krautrock. Autobanhs. Music to both shake off and bring on hedonism. It's kinetic. It's gut. It's vital. I'm in a murky, neutral mood tonight and this soundtrack  perfectly accompanies that.

As mentioned before in a previous years post, it's not as if the 44st entry on a list is better than the 45th, I do listen to the album in question as I write; that being with a rough idea of what kind of positioning in will have. The top 10 however require much more careful scrutiny.

Beak> are ones to watch, with an ex-member of Portishead thrown in there, their discography is only a few albums deep and I look forward to hearing how this band go about developing their sound. Sometimes murky and neutral is just fine.


The Bear said...

yoru writing has improbved dramatically since you left

The Bear said...

Bitteschon - eat your stollen - whats that now ? - I've only gone and muted meself

spaghetti blogonese said...

dick 'ed