Friday, December 2, 2016

Albums of 2016 - 49. HOLY FUCK - CONGRATS


Canadian band that mess around menacingly with machines, often encompassing relentless assaults. That last sentence sounds alright the way I wrote it don't it? This act don't let you down in terms of sonic layers of energy and an album not to necessarily lose yourself in, but lose control of yourself in.

2016 may have been a shitty year for elections, referendums and deaths, but in terms of music releases, this may well be the best time in decades to reflect on and audio material like this would probably have made the Top 10 of this list in any other year.

I'm currently on sabbatical leave and the track "Sabbatics" is helping me groove through with Pinot Grigio. I'm supposed to be reading the last 50 pages of Murakami's epic 1Q84  but my gut told me it wants to be a bit wrenched after putting it through a 30 minute jog to go and buy said wine. Oh world, what have you done? 

When the world's going mad and your social media feed is full of friends called Todde going and getting tanked on a Friday night, you can't go wrong with a bit of Holy Fuck to help you plough through life.

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