Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Albums of 2016. 36. FRANKIE COSMOS - NEXT THING


It's one big fucking pleasure to follow this artists momentum. Her previous releases were very teenagey and now it's as if this biographical-esque narrative is becoming more realised than the old EP's

"When you're young, you're too young
When you're old, you're too old"

Those are lyrics from "What If" and I hope that Frankie can not let touring and the industry get on top of her and that her graceful two minute numbers don't sound too chug-a-lug. If the guitars do start chugging, then I prey she can still pack her tunes with personal lyrics aplomb. If this is a character that Cosmos is writing, then she's a genius. If not, then it's an amazing personal development.

Frankie Cosmos for me recalls The Moldy Peaches without the crass bits and I'm so glad to be on her bandwagon. I'm her biggest fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 p="">

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