Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Albums of 2012 - 48. Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - Black Is Beautiful


Where to start? Lo-fi production. The hiss of vinyl. Flitting about with styles.  Messy. Yet most of the tracks are numbered:(FUCK THIS GAP AND BLOGGER! DUNNO HOW TO FIX IT - ed)"2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" And they sound massively messy but mostly serene.  Most tracks are around 2 minutes long. The concept is all about sifting through vinyl I think. Also the title of the album is a bit of an irrelevance but grabs attention nonetheless. Despite the raw ambiguity in my review here also, I think it’s best used for people who want to make a mix and put some of this shit through in an interlude or a body wanting to smoke a bowl of weed and feel some cool sensations. I don’t smoke weed; I mean I have but it’s not for me. This album on the other hand most definitely is.

BEST USED: When making a mix or getting off your tree.

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