Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Albums of 2012. - 46 - Frankie Rose - Interstellar

A darling of an album. Derived from Italodisco and synthy treats.  It starts with an absolute trembling, walloping opner in “Interstellar” – the title track starts off with a wallop and a tremble. To be honest, from there on in you think you’re gonna here the perfect album of all heaven and it doesn’t do it. But what Interstellar does do is get some focus and momentum, it’s the first track that jumps off the cliff and the rest of the album that feels like it’s learning to fly. It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all but I think it’s about escapism. Some albums could have better track sequencing and this is one of them, but nevertheless they hold up and who fucking cares really. I’m not here to analyze the shit out of tracks,just when she sings: “All that I want is a pair of wings to fly”- I'm sold and I hope that she can make an even better album that really soars into the sky but still this is mega. Mega heaven. Did I just say that?

BEST PLAYED: When jumping off a bridge.

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