Just to clear a few things up from my previous reviews of this artist:
1)I never thought I was dyslexic but I swear I read the artists name as "Alex" but it's actually "Axel".
2) He doesn't really look like Hitler. It was just one particular shot that was all over the magazines when he dropped his debut album in 2007.
3) That debut album "From Here We Go Sublime" felt so fresh when it came down my aerial. The minimal melodies and beats incorporated a new, windswept style. I compared it to how people must have felt when Daft Punk released "Homework" in 1997. Was I too young then?
4) I probably wasn't too young then. I was 13 turning 14. But, instead I was listening to Brit-pop. Our house was robbed and I claimed loads of Oasis, Blur and Supergrass CD's on the insurance policy.
5)"Looping State of Mind" finds Willner building on all the great sonics of his debut and 2009's follow-up "Yesterday and Today." This is still music constructed for walking around the city to, but this time instead of just looking down at the ground, you'll be imagining what's going on in all the office blocks around you, letting the drums and swathes of melody spray everywhere. Fuck, this is the first time you've been able to dance in the rain to The Field. A really valiant, further developed effort.
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