Friday, November 18, 2011

top 50 records of 2011 - 37. Civil Civic - Rules


I will let the critics do the talking for this one, and then add my own little snippet at the bottom:

They put the "brawl" into cerebral
- The Guardian

Rocking out in the manner of Holy Fuck covering Hüsker
- Uncut

A ball-busting distorted musical leviathan

- The Fly

The duo craft these exquisite melodies that are completely without peer
- The Pigeon Post

Civil Civic will get you by the balls. I haven't come across anything this year that brings the party like this
- Shattered Satellite

This mix is insane on so many levels, it makes me cream my pants – every time
- A-Life

like having 50,000 Volt live jump cables attached to your nipples whilst sat in a torrential downpour
- Don't Panic

"No lyrics. Just drum machines, pulverizing bass-lines, and a groundswell of synthesizers. Hedonism in a nutshell. Essential"
-Spaghetti Blogonese


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