9. Cyne - Evolution Flight (2007)
I miss Stylusmagazine and it's a shame it became defunct in 2007. Here's what they had to say about the best rap album of the decade:
"The kind of album that seems like an old favourite within a matter of days, Evolution Flight never becomes too comfortable, trading complacency for an innate listenability that continues to thrill and surprise well beyond the usual sell by date. Portraying their homeland as a prostitute in “a tight mini-skirt with scandals in her hair,” dolling out hand-jobs for oil and gold on “Fuck America,” Cyne emit a resigned acceptance rather than a militant mindset, a position immediately juxtaposed on “Growing”; wherein a well worn batch of clichéd, self-help bollocks are twisted into a veiled call for arms. Elsewhere Cyne plagiarise some Prefuse (or even Jackson Fourgeaud) production with their Tyler Durden rant of “clever ringtones define me…” on “Automaton,” whilst “Fallen Stars” is just happy to gleefully reference Kraftwerk over a broiling electro-soused sample that collapses in a fit of breezeblock breaks when the finish line swings into sight. Self-assured as opposed to unappealingly cocksure, Evolution Flight would be a towering achievement based on any criteria you chose to elect"
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