20. Port-Royal - Afraid To Dance (2007)
From Cokemachineglow:
"If Afraid to Dance favours technique and production over the development of actual songs it nevertheless finds the band far enough ahead of most post-rock that they actually point towards new directions for the genre. I still feel as if there are two sides of this band fighting for precedence; one trying for a more updated version of ambient house, and one steering towards something more abstract and drone-based. The fact that the band incorporates both into their style keeps the music from being either too lulling or too rote and mechanical, giving the listener something that's warm, elegant, and mysterious all at once"
From my own Wonderful Place blog:
"This changed the way I perceived the idea of an album...Afraid to Dance instead employs a sonic ethic in that everything binds together, it's all about texture here. Embraced in its electronica are the ideas of Godspeed, Sigur Ros and Spiritualized. These Italians do beats and melodies to a stunning degree on their second album. Soak it up"
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