Saturday, November 14, 2009

albums of the decade - 66 Dungen - Stadsvandringar

66 Dungen - Stadsvandringar (2002)

The album title translates as 'city walks' and the record itself is just as satisfying as taking a city break and mooching around and getting coffee, taking in a couple of galleries and churches, then heading out to a restuarant and ordering salmon en croute with a couple of nice side dishes like roasted vegetables and chunky potato wedges, then getting a tram to another district and looking around the old town complete with the handmade jewellery, onto a wine bar and a nice glass of valpolicella and a cheeseboard and back to the hotel and bed.

'Stadsvandringar' is a great folky album from Swedish band Dungen and it's a real breath of fresh air like going on holiday!


Maximum Jack said...

Hey SB, you asked about my podcast. shoot me an email, and I'll explain how I do it (technically, I don't think it's a podcast, but it works):

spaghetti blogonese said...

done. thanks.