64. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest (2009)
I have a pin-badge - or button as they say in America - of 'Veckatimest,' and one day I went into the local shop to buy some nice pasta and the girl behind the check-out grabbed my jacket and asked me about the band and I told her about Grizzly Bear and she started to randomly ask me about Icelandic music and I told her I was there in the summer of 2008 and she blushed and I blushed. I went back in and didn't really hold the nerve to ask her out. I went in again and didn't really hold the nerve. Again, and this time I did. She said yes. So we were all set to go to a Passion Pit gig, with The Antlers as support, I just had to meet her after her game of beach football, straight opposite the venue.
Day of the gig: she calls me at work and tells me that her boyfriend might come. I was a bit flummoxed but went with it anyway. On the night I saw her game and it was 8.30, due to finish at 9. Cool! I luckily bought a couple of tickets from the bouncer from what was a sold-out gig and thought my luck was in. I went in, grabbed a Red Stripe and started to enjoy the support band. Due to the location of the smoking garden I could also see the game of football and it looked like an epic. 9pm turned into 930 and I was getting a bit uncomfortable. I went outside and the game was done, I waved over and she waved over, she ran into the volleyball cafe and my phone went and I asked if she had a good game and she said she wanted to be sick and it was so intense and that she couldn't go to the concert and that she'd pay me back the money if I went back into the shop. I went to the gig on my own and tried to make the most of it.
At the time I felt a bit stitched up, now I realize that things are really circumstantial. If I hadn't had bought the brilliant third Grizzly Bear album - which is like The Beach Boys but not as straightforward, much like this little story - then none of this would have happened, and it's quite funny looking back.
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