Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Albums of 2012. - 46 - Frankie Rose - Interstellar

A darling of an album. Derived from Italodisco and synthy treats.  It starts with an absolute trembling, walloping opner in “Interstellar” – the title track starts off with a wallop and a tremble. To be honest, from there on in you think you’re gonna here the perfect album of all heaven and it doesn’t do it. But what Interstellar does do is get some focus and momentum, it’s the first track that jumps off the cliff and the rest of the album that feels like it’s learning to fly. It doesn’t seem to make any sense at all but I think it’s about escapism. Some albums could have better track sequencing and this is one of them, but nevertheless they hold up and who fucking cares really. I’m not here to analyze the shit out of tracks,just when she sings: “All that I want is a pair of wings to fly”- I'm sold and I hope that she can make an even better album that really soars into the sky but still this is mega. Mega heaven. Did I just say that?

BEST PLAYED: When jumping off a bridge.

Albums of 2012 - 47. - Death Grips No Love Deep Web

I just poured dome Drano down the plughole tonight and it’s highly corrosive. So is this. These guys pack some muscle and they have caused a shit-storm already - all over the interweb and with their record label, who dropped them for releasing this LP ahead of time.  Death Grips had a meeting  n a payphone with their fans by calling it and arranging a play of this album in October, to the wrath of Epic Records. I’m not sure if that matters but I’m gonna hype them anyway and say they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Do you not like toast? Fuck off you cunt. It just feels so angry and unlike anything else. Perhaps it can recall Rage or Cypress but it’s turned up to the power of max and and and and and and and………..

BEST PLAYED: When you want to release some anger.  

Albums of 2012 - 48. Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - Black Is Beautiful


Where to start? Lo-fi production. The hiss of vinyl. Flitting about with styles.  Messy. Yet most of the tracks are numbered:(FUCK THIS GAP AND BLOGGER! DUNNO HOW TO FIX IT - ed)"2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" And they sound massively messy but mostly serene.  Most tracks are around 2 minutes long. The concept is all about sifting through vinyl I think. Also the title of the album is a bit of an irrelevance but grabs attention nonetheless. Despite the raw ambiguity in my review here also, I think it’s best used for people who want to make a mix and put some of this shit through in an interlude or a body wanting to smoke a bowl of weed and feel some cool sensations. I don’t smoke weed; I mean I have but it’s not for me. This album on the other hand most definitely is.

BEST USED: When making a mix or getting off your tree.

Albums of 2012 - 49. Mark Lanegan Band - Blues Funeral


This guy has been one of my favorite vocalists for god knows how long. He’s younger than me; he’s 48 and it sounds like he’s drank a centaloun of whiskey and coughed up a fromage of cigars. He’s the master of noir-blues and this one here has got a shade load of soul again. He doesn’t disappoint. I’m liking it when he just sings and his production is distant in some of these tracks whereas in others like the disco-oriented “Ode to Dad Disco” it’s turned right up. I’d hardly call this experimental though, it’s more another unshakeable effort from a voice that’s both damaged and comforting.  It’s perfect for rainy weather. It started my year off with a dirty warmth and comes back full loop as Taipei pisses it down again outside near December. Cheers Lanegan to your whiskey tears!

BEST PLAYED: At midnight when it's pissing it down outside.

Albums of of 2012 - 50. Django Django - Django Django

 This one built up quite a bit of momentum over the year, as an early 2012 release meant for a steady increase in attention. It’s nice when a record doesn’t get overhyped right in the beginning and then spins around like a Kathryn Wheel when the British Mercury Music Prize winner is declared in November. Django Django derive from the Beta Band and share their penchant for confident and smooth vocal harmonies. However, where the Beta band used bongos and such, Django Django utilize a lot of electronic production and drum machines to make things cosmic. It’s a little bit showy without being too subterranean; it packs the grooves but hardly blows over in the wind. It’s the sound of some experienced musicians having a lot of fun. So with their Mercury nomination lately: it has boosted awareness twofold. It's more likely to put them on the map rather than have them,crash and burn. Full beams ahead.

 BEST PLAYED: For starting the day to get in a good mood.