Sunday, December 6, 2020

Albums of the Decade - 25. Grizzly Bear - Shields (2012)


Just found a secret xmas market in Vilnius with real fires and hot wine, and in the time of a pandemic, you feel like a rebellious C.W. a bit, but that smoky vibe was perfect to come home to a bit of revisiting last decade and popping on a bit of Grizzly Bear, who are one of the top Math indie bands of the last 20 years or so.

Quite a sooty band, quite an advancing band, quite an escalating arpeggiated band, quite worth your time of a band, quite a band of all the seasons, quite a vocal melody-oriented band, quite a band situated with not the actual animal thats a Grizzly Bear. 

This is their third (out of four) and best album so far, it builds as a progression up to the ultimate crescendo, and I look forward to these mammals building more musically and feeding me more musical milk out of their tits before they bite me up and ravage me. 

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