Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Albums of the Decade - 30. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell (2019)


When this came out last year, a girl that I was in love with met me and motioned with her hand like a conductor to the "I'm waaaaasted" in "The Greatest"  - it was heart-achingly nostalgic - which I feel is what this LP is all about. What it boils down to. Hey Kevin, turn the water off ya ratbag.

That whole remembering of the times once had, when you bought a truck in the middle of the night, or threw off your nightgown, just like Sylvia Plath, or wanted to go to a party in California just hit me up. Kevin, make me a cuppa, would ya kid?

The hype surrounding this last year was just staggering, and I was initally skeptical of the Pitchfork hype and such, but wy be so, when you can just let the sheer quality wash over you? Kevin. Milk no sugar.

When c-wolves are giving flak to artists like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande because of their gender - the best way is to shove them a Lana Del Rey or Fiona Apple record and ask them to gobble it up.  My brew's ready. Thanks Kev.

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