Monday, September 30, 2019

Albums of the Decade - 78. Wolf Alice - My Love Is Cool


Sometimes there's a time and place for an LP. This was the summer of 2015. I had a trip to a surfers beach in Taiwan and drank a lot, a lot of whiskey and played this in the boiling, boiling heat, before trying to fight my friend in the station on the way back.

Jump that 43
Are you wild like me
Raised by wolves and other beasts
I tell you all the time
I'm not mad
You tell me all the time
I got plans

Upon first listen, I felt like this was a precocious debut, but it's like a well sugared meal; a pinch of castor brings out all the other ingredients a treat. It's like twelve different bands have been put on a mixtape - much messier, but more fun than their refined follow-up, which actually took more plaudits.

The crowning moment has to be on "Silk" which provided the apex to Trainspotting 2, the excellent follow-up to the first Glaswegian saga. The track suits Mark Renton more than anything else in musical history, as he battles to protect himself constantly.

Just looking for a protector
God never reached out in time
There's love, there is a savior
But that ain't no love of mine
My Love it kills me slowly
Slowly I could die
And when she sleeps she hears the blues
Sees shades of black and white

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