Monday, December 22, 2014

Records of 2014 - 39. The Bug - Angels & Devils


This album is divided into two halves and from the title, you wouldn't be a nincompoop to grasp that. The former half is spare-clutter-dub and the latter cranks it up. Ross would love it. It's been six years since London Zoo but this is even better I feel. When I listen to it, I can smell barbecues down dark alleys. We're all good.

It's so easy to write things like "love-a-dub-dub, I love the yellow duck that popped in Keelung." However, this is not an easy listen by no stretch. I love my new alleys and shit of the red light district in which I live and this is a great LP in which to soundtrack that underbelly in an anti-nightmarish kind of way.

As this list finally gathers momentum again, I can safely spark up and finally get my night started. Thanks The Bug.

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