Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Albums of 2012 - 30. Dan Deacon - America


Extremely experimental producer rolls out his most focused record yet. Like the title would suggest, it plays like a landscape and essentially is a record of two halves. The first half is quite bonkers in true Deacon style and the latter section employs more orchestration and grandiosity to culminate in a thrilling final section.

In fact, there are four "USA" parts, reaching asmooth transition for the last 20 minutes or so. It doesn't sound too measured or anything like that, because that was a concern, as previously, Deacon was bouncing about all over the shop. Yea his previous records featured cartoony splatterings of Porky Pig and Woody Woodpecker as samples. However, I prefer this more refined approach. Maybe I'm in the minority, but this record does it for me more than his previous work. Though I'm a goofy prick myself, I like the less poindexer side of Dan for sure.

BEST PLAYED: When you want something sprawling and highly original. Maybe when you're flying to America.

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