Thursday, April 14, 2011

Album Review: The Strokes - Angles

The Strokes - Angles

I don't know why the band The Strokes wanted to come out and say that they are not friends that sounds like a cry-baby game to me Nick Valensi that sounds like a cry-baby game to me.

I'm not such a big one on this kind of thing like I used to be in my hello-hey day. Hey mate! I think that rock & roll is great when it's in it's prime but I just don't know anymore.

Hello. That said, the sound of the music isn't exactly playing the cry-baby game anymore. I'm sold about this. There's some fire on this thing. "Taken for a Fool" and "Under Cover Of Darkness" and "Games" are a 3 songs like I like I like I!!!!!!

3 is not a magic number for me. It's not enough for place to be. Don't you see? The quality gets good but for some cry-baby's that have done better before to great that's what you don't get alright? Oh! I get it alright!


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