Thursday, April 14, 2011

Album Review: The Strokes - Angles

The Strokes - Angles

I don't know why the band The Strokes wanted to come out and say that they are not friends that sounds like a cry-baby game to me Nick Valensi that sounds like a cry-baby game to me.

I'm not such a big one on this kind of thing like I used to be in my hello-hey day. Hey mate! I think that rock & roll is great when it's in it's prime but I just don't know anymore.

Hello. That said, the sound of the music isn't exactly playing the cry-baby game anymore. I'm sold about this. There's some fire on this thing. "Taken for a Fool" and "Under Cover Of Darkness" and "Games" are a 3 songs like I like I like I!!!!!!

3 is not a magic number for me. It's not enough for place to be. Don't you see? The quality gets good but for some cry-baby's that have done better before to great that's what you don't get alright? Oh! I get it alright!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Album Review: TV On The Radio - Nine Types Of Light

TV On The Radio - Nine Types Of Light

You know what? I heard this one for the first time today and I was thinking that it reminded me of a great idea I still have!

I think this band have still got the great idea that I still have!

You know what? I feel that my heart is an organ.

You know what? Do you remember "Last Christmas I gave you my heart / but the very next day you gave it away / this way to save it from veneers / I'll give it to someone special!"

That song was about love. This album is a bit schmoozy too. It's not bad for it though. I'd go lap it up in an bear-hug you can't cunt have had of.


Album Review: Radiohead: The King of Limbs

Radiohead: The King of Limbs

Instead of saying "Radiohead have done the right thing" or "Radiohead have done the quite right thing" I'm gonna say that Radiohead have really done the right thing". I love this album I can't hate.

I think that "Bloom" opens well. After around 30 listens I think it's still blooming. There are classically timed of moments. There are stuttering beats but it's nice. I like it. The voice of Thom Yorke didn't quite grab right hold of me at first earshot listen.

Later I went to "Good Morning Mr. Magpie!" and felt that the staccato beat over and over with the main things meant a nice. Guitars and all. Not exactly choked up wouldn't you say?

And on it went really. Up goes "Little By Little." It sounds another country. Nice Good song expected. Spain and Morocco.

Come along "Feral. " Hello. Like sounds electronica and some more. Lot more actually. Actually, moreover it sounds a bit more like Flying Lotus someone said; I don't know; it stands up on the merits of "Feral."

"Lotus Flower" just gets more incredible with every listen.

"Codex" is a beautiful one that settles down after one that was to going some different later. She was was saying that it felt nice and "OK Computer" wasn't always the best album. "Hell!" she said!

"Giving Up The Ghost" is whack advice but I like this track.

"Reckoner" is great I think. The little warm guitar lick after the supposed "doom and gloom" or "scary motherfucker" album that everyone blogs about isn't.
