47. Eluvium - Lambent Material (2003)
Eluvium brought out three great albums this decade, but this one is the pick of the apple tree. 'Talk Amongst The Trees' was quite grainy, droney and grey. 'Copia' sounds pure like 'Copella' the apple juice and it is quite appley actually. 'Lambent Material' meanwhile is an ode to minimalism and is drones a bit and delivers on the melodies too. Many talk about new age comparisons,' but this is far from Enya, it's simly an orchestral style Cooper uses and it sounds beautiful. When you play it, you think you've heard it before which is inaccurate and of no matter of course, just play it again and then you will have heard it before and if you could look at it, it would be the apple of your eye. How do you like them apples?