1. Cod in mild Mustard Sauce @ 3 Frakkar.
I had to do a feature for Grapevine about Icelandic Cusine. The freshness of the cod spoke for itself. The simplicity of using the three mustards and cream means anyone can knock this shit up pretty easily. (See photo - right)
2.Lobster Soup with Potato Kebab @ Sægriffin.
The best Lobster soup in the world according to the New York Times. I have never tasted better seafood either. Never. I always drop the spuds in the soup.
3. Jungle Curry @ Ban Thai
Best described as a spicy as shit Thai red curry. Tastes of chili, tomato, lemongrass and paprika blast right through. Tender chicken is the best choice of meat to soak up the juices. Loads of veggies like peppers, beansprouts and more.
4. Hotdogs @ Baejarins Beztu Pylsur
AKA Clintons Hot-Dog Stand, the one he stopped off at when he swung by these parts. The best hog in Europe supposedly, I woudn´t argue, especially whenit comes with onions, dried - fried onions, mustard, ketchup, mayo and good bread.
5. Hashed Fish@ Café Victor
An old mothers favourite here in Iceland. Curried fish with potatoes. Mmmmmmmmm.
CURRENT MUSIC: Dear Science by TV on the Radio
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